AEW Rampage 24th of May 2024

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AEW Rampage aired at a special start time on May 24, and the show will feature a star-studded lineup. Among other matches, PAC faced Rocky Romero, and Willw Nightingale and Kris Statlander clashed with Anna Jay and Alex Windsor.

The results are as follows:
PAC vs. Rocky Romero
PAC and Romero feel each other out. They trade counters, and they’re evenly matched early on. Romero gains the upper hand. PAC fires back with some chops and sends Romero to the outside, He dives onto him. Back in the ring, PAC controls the action. They exchange strikes. Romero gets a two-count with the Sliced Bread. He spikes PAC with a tornado DDT.
Romero dives onto him at ringside. PAC rallies and dumps Romero with a German suplex. He makes Romero tap out to the Brutalizer.
Winner: PAC
PAC celebrates with the Lucha Bros. He grabs a microphone and tells the Bang Bang Gang that they’re coming for the trios titles.
At the commentary table, Chris Jericho hypes up his match at AEW Double or Nothing and looks forward to facing Katsuyori Shibata and HOOK. He notes that he beat both of them. Shibata comes out and brawls with Big Bill. HOOK shows up behind Jericho and drags him into the crowd. They brawl into the crowd.

Backstage, HOOK makes it clear that he intends to get the FTW Championship back. Samoa Joe interrupts, and they go back and forth. Samoa Joe says he saw something special in HOOK, but he keeps making the same mistakes. He tells HOOK to get it together. HOOK angrily tells Shibata that he’ll see him on Sunday.

Samoa Joe vs. Dom Kubrick
Joe quickly takes control with a barrage of strikes as he overpowers Kubrick. He keeps rolling with a kick and drops Kubrick with a Muscle Buster for the win.
Winner: Samoa Joe

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviews Deonna Purrazzo. Purrazzo responds to Thunder Rosa’s challenge. She says if Thunder Rosa wants her to name the time and place, then they should do it Sunday in Las Vegas on The Buy-In. She says she’ll end Thunder Rosa.

RUSH vs. Isiah Kassidy
RUSH charges Kassidy and hits the Bull’s Horns. He goes for the pin but breaks it up. He slams Kassidy into the barricade at ringside multiple times. RUSH continues to dominate. He whips Kassidy with a camera cable and chokes him. RUSH drills Kassidy with a kick to the head. The bout spills into the crowd, and RUSH maintains the upper hand. Kassidy rallies with a flurry of offense.
Kassidy gets a two-count with a Swanton Bomb. They trade strikes, and Kassidy doesn’t back down.
RUSH catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex from the apron to the floor. RUSH scores the win with the Bull’s Horns.
Winner: RUSH

Backstage, Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony hype up Cage’s match against Anthony Bowens in the main event of AEW Rampage last week. Cage says they could beat all three of them.

Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander vs. Anna Jay & Alex Windsor
Nightingale and Jay start the bout. Statlander tags in and overpowers Windsor. Statlander and Nightingale double-team Windsor. Nightingale trucks over Windsor with a pounce. Statlander and Nightingale continue to control the action. Statlander dumps Jay with a suplex. Jay catches Statlander with a neckbreaker in the ropes.
Windsor and Jay gain the upper hand. They isolate Jay. Jay makes the tag to Willow, who clears house with a flurry of offense. She takes Jay down with a diving dropkick. Jay and Statlander trade blows. Statlander rocks her with a kick. Willow drops Windsor with a clothesline and scores the win with a powerbomb.
Winners: Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander
Mercedes Moné charges the ring and brawls with Nightingale. Statlander gets involved, but Mercedes takes her out. The brawl continues, and officials try to break them up.


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